domingo, 29 de abril de 2012

Inna Tsukahina art

Inna Tsukahina was born in 1968 in Krasnodar. In 1986 she graduated from Krasnodar Art College and in 1993 - Academy of Fine Arts in Kiev. Since 1995, member of the Union of Artists of Russia. Since 2002, Master of the Academy of art in Prague. Exhibited since 1990. Inna Tsukahina-authors kurtuaznyh nudes and floral still lifes, painted easily, in one breath. The motif of a naked female body, or flowers, immersed in a conventional environment - the most common mythology of their aesthetics. The image of women she had always likened to a flower, ready to give its sweetness. A female flower is depicted outside the context of time, society, history, life. She is always "smell" and never turns into a fetus. Poetiziruya perfect moment Tsukahina destroys long time and space. In her work is always a receptive audience-potential, similar to a bumble-bee, drinking nectar of flowers. Combining the broad strokes with a smooth, lessirovochnym letter, reinforcing the decorative sound plane, the artist creates on canvas image of a languid languor of the harem, a hot southern sun, spicy flavor of the East. Oriental traits are expressed in the refined eroticism, hedonism and love of being as the sole reality. Her creative, unique in the community aesthetics. Inheriting the traditions of artists of the early twentieth century-Vrubel, Gustav Klimt, Van Gogh, it's close contemporary and postsimvolicheskoy postromanticheskoy artistic paradigm.